www.gusucode.com > pluck PHP多国语言简洁CMS系统 v4.7.4PHP源码程序 > pluck PHP多国语言简洁CMS系统 v4.7.4/PluckCMS4.7.4/PluckCMS4.7.4/data/inc/lang/lv.php

$language = 'Latvian';
$lang['general']['404'] = '404: lapa netika atrasta';
$lang['general']['not_found'] = 'Diemžēl lapa netika atrasta.';
$lang['general']['copyright'] = 'pluck is available under the terms of the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html" target="_blank">GNU General Public License</a>.';
$lang['general']['save'] = 'Saglabāt';
$lang['general']['save_exit'] = 'Save and Exit';
$lang['general']['cancel'] = 'Atcelt';
$lang['general']['other_options'] = 'citas iespējas';
$lang['general']['title'] = 'virsraksts';
$lang['general']['contents'] = 'saturs';
$lang['general']['choose'] = 'Izvēlēties...';
$lang['general']['back'] = 'atpakaļ';
$lang['general']['upload_failed'] = 'Augšuplāde neizdevās.';
$lang['general']['admin_center'] = 'administrācijas panelis';
$lang['general']['changing_rank'] = 'Pārbauda pakāpi...';
$lang['general']['insert'] = 'ielikt';
$lang['general']['insert_module'] = 'insert module';
$lang['general']['insert_image'] = 'insert image';
$lang['general']['dont_display'] = 'Don\'t display';
$lang['general']['upload'] = 'augšuplādēt attēlu';
$lang['general']['change_title'] = 'mainīt nosaukumu';
$lang['general']['images'] = 'images';
$lang['general']['not_valid_file'] = 'Install failed: the file you specified is not a valid file.';
$lang['general']['none'] = 'none';
$lang['general']['description'] = 'apraksts';
$lang['general']['nothing_yet'] = 'pagiadām nekā...';
$lang['general']['send'] = 'Sūtīt';
$lang['general']['name'] = 'Vārds:';
$lang['general']['email'] = 'E-pasts:';
$lang['general']['message'] = 'Ziņojums:';
$lang['general']['website'] = 'Website:';
$lang['general']['pluck_dev_team'] = 'pluck development team';
$lang['login']['not'] = 'neesat iežurnalējies';
$lang['login']['not_message'] = 'Jūs neesat iežurnalējies! Lūdzu, mirklīti uzgaidiet...';
$lang['login']['title'] = 'iežurnalēties';
$lang['login']['password'] = 'parole';
$lang['login']['correct'] = 'Parole pareize. Iežurnalējamies...';
$lang['login']['incorrect'] = 'Parole nepareiza. Lūdzu, mirklīti uzgaidiet...';
$lang['login']['too_many_attempts'] = 'You have exceeded the number of login attempts. Please wait 5 minutes before logging in again.';
$lang['login']['log_out'] = 'izžurnalēties';
$lang['install']['not'] = 'nav uzstādīts';
$lang['install']['not_message'] = 'pluck vēl nav uzstādīts. Lūdzu, mirklīti uzgaidiet...';
$lang['install']['already'] = '<i>pluck</i> jau ir uzstādīts. Lūdzu, mirklīti uzgaidiet...';
$lang['install']['title'] = 'uzstādīšana';
$lang['install']['welcome'] = 'Laipni lūdzam! Pirms Jūs varat uzstādīt savu jauno mājas lapu, Jums ir jāuzstāda <i>pluck</i>.';
$lang['install']['start'] = 'Sākt uzstādīšanu...';
$lang['install']['step_1'] = '1 solis';
$lang['install']['step_2'] = '2 solis';
$lang['install']['step_3'] = '3 solis';
$lang['install']['writable'] = 'Pārbaudiet vai attēlotās datnes un mapes ir rakstāmas (CHMOD) spiežot uz pogas \'Atjaunot\'. Ja esat pārliecināti, ka datnes un mapes ir rakstāmas (CHMOD), Jūs varat turpināt tālāk.';
$lang['install']['good'] = 'Der';
$lang['install']['refresh'] = 'Atjaunot';
$lang['install']['proceed'] = 'Darāmies...';
$lang['install']['homepage'] = 'Šeit Jūs varat rediģēt Jūsu mājas lapas sākumlapu. Izvēlieties lapas virsrakstu un rediģējiet tās saturu.';
$lang['install']['success'] = '<i>pluck</i> tika veiksmīgi uzstādīts!';
$lang['install']['manage'] = 'pārvaldīt Jūsu mājas lapu';
$lang['install']['general_info'] = 'Please give some general information about you and your website.';
$lang['update']['up_to_date'] = 'pluck is up-to-date';
$lang['update']['available'] = 'update available';
$lang['update']['urgent'] = '<strong>urgent</strong> update available';
$lang['update']['failed'] = 'update check failed';
$lang['trashcan']['title'] = 'trashcan';
$lang['trashcan']['items_in_trash'] = 'items in trashcan';
$lang['trashcan']['move_to_trash'] = 'move item to trashcan';
$lang['trashcan']['moving_item'] = 'Moving item to trashcan...';
$lang['trashcan']['same_name'] = 'The item could not be moved to the trashcan: the trashcan contains an item with the same name.';
$lang['trashcan']['message'] = 'Deleted items are listed here. You can take a look at them, restore them or delete them from the trashcan.';
$lang['trashcan']['empty'] = 'empty trashcan';
$lang['trashcan']['empty_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to empty the trashcan? Please note that all items will be lost.';
$lang['trashcan']['view_item'] = 'view item';
$lang['trashcan']['delete_item'] = 'delete item from trashcan';
$lang['trashcan']['deleting'] = 'Deleting item from trashcan...';
$lang['trashcan']['restore_item'] = 'restore item';
$lang['trashcan']['restoring'] = 'Restoring item from trashcan...';
$lang['trashcan']['same_page_name'] = 'The page could not be restored from the trashcan: there is already a page with the same name.';
$lang['start']['title'] = 'sākums';
$lang['start']['welcome'] = 'Laipni lūgti <i>pluck</i> administrācijas panelī.';
$lang['start']['manage'] = 'Here you can manage your website. Choose a link in the menu at the top of your screen.';
$lang['start']['more'] = 'more...';
$lang['start']['website'] = 'skatīt mājas lapu';
$lang['start']['result'] = 'skatīt rezultātu';
$lang['start']['people'] = 'all the people who helped develop pluck';
$lang['start']['help'] = 'vajag palīdzību?';
$lang['start']['love'] = 'vienmēr gatavi palīdzēt';
$lang['credits']['title'] = 'credits';
$lang['credits']['message'] = 'Our thanks goes to all the following people, for helping in the development of pluck.';
$lang['credits']['project_leader'] = 'project leader';
$lang['credits']['developers'] = 'main developers';
$lang['credits']['contributions'] = 'contributions';
$lang['credits']['translation'] = 'translation';
$lang['credits']['more'] = 'more thanks';
$lang['credits']['tinymce'] = 'for making the excellent TinyMCE-editor used in pluck';
$lang['credits']['maxgtar'] = 'for making MaxgTar, used in the automatic theme and module installer';
$lang['credits']['lytebox'] = 'for developing LyteBox, used in pluck to serve the images in your albums with flair';
$lang['credits']['tango'] = 'for designing the wonderful icons used in the pluck administration center';
$lang['credits']['slik'] = 'for designing the "Silk" icons, also used in pluck';
$lang['page']['title'] = 'lapas';
$lang['page']['message'] = 'Šeit Jūs varat pārvaldīt, rediģēt un dzēst lapas';
$lang['page']['change_order'] = 'mainīt lapu secību';
$lang['page']['top'] = 'Šī lapa jau atrodas pirmā, tāpēc šai lapai pakāpi nevar mainīt.';
$lang['page']['last'] = 'šī lapa jau atrodas pēdējā, tāpēc šai lapai pakāpi nevar mainīt.';
$lang['page']['new'] = 'jauna lapa';
$lang['page']['view'] = 'view page';
$lang['page']['edit'] = 'rediģēt lapu';
$lang['page']['items'] = 'These items are ready to be implemented in this page:';
$lang['page']['insert_link'] = 'ievietot saiti';
$lang['page']['options'] = 'other options related to the page';
$lang['page']['in_menu'] = 'rādīt lapu izvēlnē';
$lang['page']['sub_page'] = 'sub-page of';
$lang['page']['name_exists'] = 'A page with the same title already exists.<br />Please choose a new title.';
$lang['page']['no_title'] = 'Please choose a title for your page.';
$lang['editmeta']['title'] = 'rediģēt lapas informāciju';
$lang['editmeta']['message'] = 'Here you can enter some information about this page, to get better results in search engines.';
$lang['editmeta']['keywords'] = 'atslēgvārdi';
$lang['editmeta']['comma'] = 'atdalīti ar komatu';
$lang['editmeta']['changing'] = 'Mainam lapas informāciju...';
$lang['images']['title'] = 'pārvaldīt attēlus';
$lang['images']['message'] = 'Šeit Jūs varat augšuplādēt Jūsu attēlus, kurus pēc tam varat ievietot mājas lapā. Augšuplādēt var sekojošus attēlu formātus: JPG, PNG un GIF.';
$lang['images']['uploaded'] = 'augšuplādētie attēli';
$lang['images']['name'] = 'Vārds:';
$lang['images']['size'] = 'Datnes izmērs:';
$lang['images']['type'] = 'Paplašinājums:';
$lang['images']['bytes'] = 'bytes';
$lang['images']['success'] = 'Augšuplāde izdevās!';
$lang['modules']['title'] = 'moduļi';
$lang['modules']['message'] = 'Pluck has a variety of modules available, which you can use to extend your website with dynamic content.';
$lang['options']['title'] = 'opcijas';
$lang['options']['message'] = 'Šeit Jūs varat uzstādīt <i>pluck</i> atbilstoši Jūsu vēlmēm un vajadzībām.';
$lang['options']['settings_descr'] = 'change general settings like the title of your website and your email address';
$lang['options']['modules_descr'] = 'manage modules and include them in your website';
$lang['options']['modules_sett_descr'] = 'change module configuration settings';
$lang['options']['themes_descr'] = 'mainīt <i>pluck</i> izskatu';
$lang['options']['lang_descr'] = 'izvēlieties valodu, kuru lietos <i>pluck</i>';
$lang['options']['pass_descr'] = 'paroli ieteicams mainīt regulāri';
$lang['settings']['title'] = 'general settings';
$lang['settings']['message'] = 'Change general settings like the title of your website and your email address here.';
$lang['settings']['choose_title'] = 'choose the title for your website here';
$lang['settings']['email'] = 'e-pasts';
$lang['settings']['email_descr'] = 'your email address will be used to allow your visitors to contact you through an email form';
$lang['settings']['changing_settings'] = 'Saving settings...';
$lang['settings']['fill_name'] = 'Jums ir jāievada lapas nosaukums, nosaukuma lauks nevar būt tukšs lauks.';
$lang['settings']['email_invalid'] = 'The emailaddress you entered is invalid!';
$lang['modules_manage']['title'] = 'manage modules';
$lang['modules_manage']['message'] = 'Manage your modules here. Remove unused modules, or start your search for new modules to enrich your website with new functionality. You can also add modules to your website, by choosing <i>Add modules to website</i>.';
$lang['modules_manage']['add'] = 'Add modules to website...';
$lang['modules_manage']['install'] = 'Install a module...';
$lang['modules_manage']['information'] = 'module information';
$lang['modules_manage']['uninstall'] = 'uninstall module';
$lang['modules_manage']['uninstall_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to uninstall this module? Please note that the settings of the module will not be lost.';
$lang['modules_manage']['version'] = 'version';
$lang['modules_manage']['author'] = 'author';
$lang['modules_manage']['website'] = 'website';
$lang['modules_manage']['not_compatible'] = 'This module is not compatible with your version of pluck, and has been disabled.';
$lang['modules_settings']['title'] = 'module settings';
$lang['modules_settings']['message'] = 'Change the configuration settings of your modules.';
$lang['modules_addtosite']['title'] = 'add modules to website';
$lang['modules_addtosite']['message'] = 'Configure here in which areas on your websites modules will be displayed. These settings are theme specific: if you change to another theme, you will have to set this again. Please also note that these settings will apply for all pages on your website.';
$lang['modules_addtosite']['choose_order'] = 'Choose in which order the modules should be displayed.';
$lang['modules_install']['title'] = 'install modules';
$lang['modules_install']['message'] = 'Here you can install new modules. Please make sure you have downloaded a module first.';
$lang['modules_install']['too_big'] = 'The module-file is too big; 2MB is the limit.';
$lang['modules_install']['success'] = 'The module has been installed successfully.';
$lang['theme']['title'] = 'izvēlēties tēmu';
$lang['theme']['choose'] = 'Šeit Jūs varat izvēlēties, kuru no uzstādītajām tēmām Jūs vēlaties lietot.';
$lang['theme']['saved'] = 'Priekšāstādīšanas uzstādījumi tika saglabāti.';
$lang['theme_uninstall']['title'] = 'uninstall theme';
$lang['theme_uninstall']['message'] = 'Here you can uninstall your themes. The currently active theme is not listed here.';
$lang['theme_uninstall']['uninstall_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to uninstall this theme?';
$lang['theme_install']['title'] = 'uzstādīt tēmu';
$lang['theme_install']['message'] = 'Here you can install new themes. Please make sure you\'ve downloaded a theme first.';
$lang['theme_install']['return'] = 'return to the <a href="?action=theme">theme page</a>';
$lang['theme_install']['not_supported'] = 'theme and module installation is not supported on this server, you will have to do it manually.';
$lang['theme_install']['success'] = 'tēma uzinstalēta';
$lang['theme_install']['too_big'] = 'Tēmas fails par lielu. MAX 1MB.';
$lang['language']['title'] = 'valodas uzstādījumi';
$lang['language']['choose'] = 'Izvēlieties valodu, kuru lietos <i>pluck</i>.';
$lang['language']['saved'] = 'Valodas uzstādījumi tika veiksmīgi saglabāti.';
$lang['changepass']['title'] = 'mainīt paroli';
$lang['changepass']['message'] = 'Šeit Jūs varat nomainīt paroli ar kuru Jūs iežurnalējaties <i>pluck</i> sistēmā. Paroli ieteicams mainīt regulāri.';
$lang['changepass']['old'] = 'vecā parole';
$lang['changepass']['new'] = 'jaunā parole';
$lang['changepass']['repeat'] = 'atkārtot paroli';
$lang['changepass']['cant_change'] = 'Nevar nomainīt paroli: ievadītā vecā parole nav pareiza.';
$lang['changepass']['different'] = 'Jūs ievadījāt divas dažādas paroles!';
$lang['changepass']['empty'] = 'Your new password can\'t be empty.';
$lang['changepass']['changed'] = 'Parole nomainīta.';